
IS216 WAD2 Project

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


This is the code repository for the WAD2 project. It consists of both a backend Node.js API server as well as a Vue frontend.

Hot module reloading is available for the frontend.


Initial Setup
  1. Install PostgreSQL on your system (Windows - installer, Mac - brew install postgresql && brew services start postgresql && psql -c "CREATE ROLE postgres LOGIN")
  2. Copy .env.example to .env. The default value is suitable for development.
  3. Run yarn install to install Node.js dependencies
  4. Run createdb wad2_project_dev to create a database
  5. Run yarn db:migrate to migrate the database

Initialising the database with useful data

The initdata script contains data useful for the app. In this case, it will initialise the database with games that we support.

To do this, run yarn db:initdata in a terminal. Don't worry about running this too many times - the code here will ensure only 1 copy of data is made.

  1. Run yarn dev


  1. Build yarn build
  2. Run yarn start