This is a collection of macros for the Ruxt web framework.
Run the following command to add Ruxt to your project:
cargo add ruxt
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
ruxt-macros = "0.1.4"
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let test_data = "Hello, World!";
HttpServer::new(move || App::new().app_data(test_data.to_string()))
.bind(("", 8080))?
The Ruxt main
macro will automatically generate routes for files in the routes
The routes are generated based on the file name, so a file named
will be available at the root of the server.
The macro determines which HTTP verb to use based on the function name. For example, a function named get
will be a GET
So for example:
// routes/
use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse, Responder};
pub async fn get() -> impl Responder {
HttpResponse::Ok().body("Hello, World!")
Will be available as a GET request at http://localhost:8080/
The following verbs are available for routing:
Dynamic routes can be created by naming a folder or file with two leading underscores. For example, a folder named __user
will create a dynamic route at /user/{id}
// routes/
use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse, Responder};
pub async fn post(id: web::Path<String>) -> impl Responder {
HttpResponse::Ok().body(format!("Hello, {}!", id))
Will be available as a POST request at http://localhost:8080/user/{id}
- As of now it is not possible to have a route with the name
because of the way the macro generates routes. I'm looking into a solution for this.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.