
Object.dirname is deprecated.

ljsinclair opened this issue · 4 comments

Argument to path.dirname must be a string

Object.dirname (C:\Users\gothe\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.28.0\resources\app.asar\src\electron-shims.js:9:10)
transformLinks (C:\Users\gothe\.atom\packages\markdown-mindmap\lib\markdown-mindmap-view.coffee:42:16)
MarkdownMindmapView.parseMarkdown (C:\Users\gothe\.atom\packages\markdown-mindmap\lib\markdown-mindmap-view.coffee:398:32)
MarkdownMindmapView.renderMarkdownText (C:\Users\gothe\.atom\packages\markdown-mindmap\lib\markdown-mindmap-view.coffee:403:19)
<unknown> (C:\Users\gothe\.atom\packages\markdown-mindmap\lib\markdown-mindmap-view.coffee:242:26)
<unknown> (null:null:null)
hueri commented

Also seeing this - bummer, as it worked in a previous version!

I was able to give it a look today. I cannot reproduce the issue, so it is probably a bug in the parser which is probably caused by some particular markdown. It would be helpful if you could share the markdown content with which you encounter this issue (make sure to redact out any private and sensitive content before sharing).

hueri commented

Should be fixed in the latest version 0.6.2.