
Daba is a graphical database client for REPL-enabled queries and visualization

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Daba Database Client

Daba is a graphical database client built on top of Portal.

It aims to combine some of the convenience of traditional GUI clients with the extensibility and power of REPL-based workflows. Start with initial exploration of database schema and data visually, then manipulate results further programmatically via REPL.

Explore schema Query and visualize
Explore schema Query and visualize

Getting Started

Use without installing

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps{io.github.dundalek/daba{:git/tag"v0.1.0":git/sha"f2c76ca"}}}' \
        -X daba.api/open

Install as tool

clojure -Ttools install io.github.dundalek/daba '{:git/tag"v0.1.0"}' :as daba

Then run:

clojure -Tdaba open

Install by adding alias

~/.clojure/deps.edn to :aliases section

  {:extra-deps {io.github.dundalek/daba {:git/tag "v0.1.0" :git/sha "f2c76ca"}}
   :exec-fn daba.api/open}}}

Then run:

clojure -Xdaba

Using this way one can also include additional JDBC drivers.


  • Connect
    • Connect to datasource
      • Use URI string or db-spec map
    • Use Datasource Input viewer for string or map
  • Explore
    • List databases for datasource
    • List tables for database
    • List columns for table
    • Data grid with pagination for table data
  • Query
    • Execute SQL query
    • Use Query Editor viewer for string
  • Other
    • Remove individual cards using X button
      • Useful for rapid exploration of tables
    • Get results as value in REPL by dereferencing Portal instance
    • Visualize data using Portal's builtin vega-lite viewer
    • Portal filtering works when selecting list of schemas, tables, columns

Supported Databases

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite
  • DuckDB
  • H2

And likely other databases that provide a JDBC driver.


See API.md and example/user.clj which includes examples using the API from REPL.