- 0
[BUG] Error: (summary of your error message)
#97 opened by mividtim - 2
Annotate queries with column types?
#50 opened by vegarsti - 0
- 1
Adds `NULLS FIRST` to `ORDER BY`s from Spark
#90 opened by vegarsti - 4
Redundant casts in string CONCAT
#91 opened by vegarsti - 1
- 1
`SELECT generate_series()` in Postgres should become `SELECT UNNEST(SEQUENCE...` in DuneSQL
#88 opened by vegarsti - 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
Should convert to_utc_timestamp -> to_unixtime
#65 opened by vegarsti - 0
`cast(x as type)` should have alias `x`
#55 opened by vegarsti - 0
Postgres group aggregates
#53 opened by vegarsti - 6
datediff -> DATE_DIFF
#39 opened by andrewhong5297 - 0
Another hex string leading zero bug
#48 opened by vegarsti - 3
Leading zeros are stripped from hex
#41 opened by vegarsti - 3
- 0
- 2
Spark's to_date(s) is handled badly
#20 opened by vegarsti - 1
Automatically translate '0x...' strings into 0x VARBINARY literals (i.e. remove quotes)
#22 opened by vegarsti - 0
Handle Spark's posexplode
#21 opened by vegarsti - 0
- 0
Parameters sometimes get botched
#13 opened by vegarsti