
TS Client for Dune Analytics' officially supported API.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Styled With Prettier Build

Dune Client TS

This NPM package implements all the basic routes defined in the Dune API Docs. It also introduces a convenience method refresh which combines executeQuery, getExecutionStatus and gettExecutionResults in a way that makes it nearly trivial to fetch query execution results.

Install the package

yarn add @duneanalytics/client-sdk
import { QueryParameter, DuneClient, RunQueryArgs } from "@duneanalytics/client-sdk";
const { DUNE_API_KEY } = process.env;

const client = new DuneClient(DUNE_API_KEY ?? "");
const queryId = 1215383;
const opts: RunQueryArgs = {
  query_parameters: [
    QueryParameter.text("TextField", "Plain Text"),
    QueryParameter.number("NumberField", 3.1415926535),
    QueryParameter.date("DateField", "2022-05-04 00:00:00"),
    QueryParameter.enum("ListField", "Option 1"),

  .then((executionResult) => console.log(executionResult.result?.rows));

// should look like
// [
//    {
//      date_field: "2022-05-04 00:00:00.000",
//      list_field: "Option 1",
//      number_field: "3.1415926535",
//      text_field: "Plain Text",
//    },
//  ]

Custom API

const { DUNE_API_KEY } = process.env;

const client = new DuneClient(DUNE_API_KEY ?? "");
const results = await client.custom.getResults({
  username: "your_username", 
  slug: "endpoint-slug"
  // optional arguments: see `GetResultParams`
  limit: 100,

Note also that the client has methods executeQuery, getExecutionStatus, getExecutionResult and cancelExecution

Check out this Demo Project!