Primary LanguagePython

Automation Script for Running and Documenting Prompts v2.4.1

This project aims to automate the process of running and documenting the results of various prompts and storing them into notebooks.

Gemini and GPT Notebook Generator


  • Google Chrome version 125.0.6422.78 or higher
  • A virtual environment with Python version 3.9 (You can also check runtime.txt for exact patch version I used)


  1. Ensure Google Chrome is installed and up-to-date.

  2. Start two Chrome sessions in debug mode using one of the commands below depending on your Operating System:

  • Start Chrome Session For Gemini (Remember to replace the <your-username> with that of your system's)


    "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="C:\selenium_chrome_profile"


    /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="/Users/<your-username>/selenium_chrome_profile"


    google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="/home/<your-username>/selenium_chrome_profile"
  • Start Chrome Session For ChatGPT (Remember to replace the <your-username> with that of your system's)


    "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --remote-debugging-port=9333 --user-data-dir="C:\selenium_chrome_profile_2"


    /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9333 --user-data-dir="/Users/<your-username>/selenium_chrome_profile_2"


    google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9333 --user-data-dir="/home/<your-username>/selenium_chrome_profile_2"
  1. Log into your Gemini account on the first chrome window.

  2. Log into your ChatGPT account on the second chrome window.

  3. For Linux and Mac users, you may get a permission error when trying to run the script because you need to explicitly give execute permission/priviledge to the chrome webdriver the script will try to use. To fix this, navigate to the project's webdrivers directory in terminal and give it that permission;

    cd webdrivers
    chmod +x chromedriver-[os_arc_type]
    • The script supports linux64, mac-arm64, mac-x64, win32 and win64 arc, and it will automatically chose the webdriver which is best suited for your OS. If you don't know the one to give permission to, you should be able to tell which webdriver the script tried using from the error message you will receive. Or you can just check from the list below.
      • chromedriver-linux64
      • chromedriver-mac-arm64
      • chromedriver-mac-x64
      • chromedriver-win32.exe
      • chromedriver-win64.exe
  4. Ensure you have the libraries in requirements.txt installed into your python environment. For windows users, you may uncomment thepywin32==306 and pywinpty==2.0.13 library in the requirements.txt file before doing this.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Open 2 termninal sessions, navigate to the root project directory where the scripts gemini.py and chatgpt.py are located and run them separately in the 2 terminals. Another important note is to make sure your ChatGPT has the Always show details enabled for the code blocks so that the codes can be visble for the script to scrape them.

  6. From my personal experience, if your computer's screen is not big enough to have the 2 Chrome browser windows opened at maximum width side by side, you're better off executing the scripts one at a time so one brower can have enough space. This is so the 2 browsers don't overlap each other and mistakenly start clicking items in the other browser. You can first run chatgpt.py and wait for it finish executing before you do same for gemini.py or vice-versa. :)

  7. Another Note for Mac users, once you start any of the scripts. Kindly go back and select the chrome browser to put it into focus.

  8. Always keep the browser zoom level at the default, (100%), because any other level would affect the accuracy of plot images that the script snaps and saves, especially when running script for ChatGPT.

  9. You can find more details like the raw response generated and the count of errors observed in each turn/prompt inside the time-tracksheet/ directory. For each turn/prompt, the count of errors will be the number of errors observed in the current prompt plus the total count from all previous prompts/turns combined, So if you have 3 queries and you see error counts on the row for prompt 3 when that prompt never encountered an error, it just means those counts represents the ones captured from the previous turns plus the ones captured in the current turn (which is zero in this case). Or to summarize everything, the error counts for the last prompt of each conversation is what you want to use in the Tracker Google sheet.

NOTE: Completely minimize mouse interactions to ensure a smooth process while the script is/are running as the script will mostly use the keyboard to type the file path when uploading files. If you're using the mouse elsewhere, the keyboard, will attempt to type the path of the file at wherever you focused the mouse instead of the web file input form popup. As it stands, both Gemini and GPT platforms don't make it possible to upload files using automated scripts, that's why I had to resort to the use of keyboard, in case you were wondering why. :)


Create a jobs.json file in the script's directory with the structure below. You will be populating this file with your various prompts and file paths because these is where both gemini.py and chatgpt.py will be reading your inputs from:


    "rater_id": "000", # Your unique rater id
    "tasks": [
            "task_id": "100", # ID assigned to that row on google sheet
            # The script uploads all your files in the beginning of the chat.
            # So currently you won't be uploading different files per turn, all will be 
            # combined and uploaded at the very beginning of the chat session.
            "files": [
                    # Relative path of file or dataset which you will be using for these prompts. 
                    "path": "relative_file_path_1", #Ex: "query_files/activities.csv"
                    # The google drive link to the file or dataset
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                # ...
            "prompts": [
                "User Prompt 1",
                "User Prompt 2",
                # ...
            "task_id": "101", # ID assigned to that row on google sheet
            # The script uploads all your files in the beginning of the chat.
            # So currently you won't be uploading different files per turn, all will be 
            # combined and uploaded at the very beginning of the chat session.
            "files": [
                    "path": "relative_file_path_1",
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                    "path": "relative_file_path_2",
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                # ...
            "prompts": [
                "User Prompt 1",
                "User Prompt 2",
                "User Prompt 3",
                # ...
  • rater_id: The unique number assigned to the rater.
  • tasks: A list of dictionaries, each representing a task.
    • task_id: The ID number given to that task on the excel sheet.
    • files: A list of file names relative to the script directory.
    • prompts: A list of prompt strings. The first prompt should be entered first, followed by the second, and so on.

There can be an infinite number of tasks.


Once Chrome is running in debug mode and you are logged into Gemini:

  1. Place your jobs.json file in the script directory.
  2. Run the script to start the automation process.
  3. All various notebooks generated will be located in a directory called notebooks/.

CLI Based Reproducibility Frequency out of 5

This also another automated script for running tasks/prompts through cli 5 times and storing all results into thier respective directories.


Create a reproducible-jobs.json file in the script's directory with the same structure as jobs.json above. You will be populating this file with your various prompts your're trying to run/test 5 times. The cbrfo5.py script file will be reading your inputs that json file:


    "rater_id": "000", # Your unique rater id
    "tasks": [
            "task_id": "100", # ID assigned to that row on google sheet
            # The script uploads all your files in the beginning of the chat.
            # So currently you won't be uploading different files per turn, all will be 
            # combined and uploaded at the very beginning of the chat session.
            "files": [
                    # Relative path of file or dataset which you will be using for these prompts. 
                    "path": "relative_file_path_1", #Ex: "query_files/activities.csv"
                    # The google drive link to the file or dataset
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                # ...
            "prompts": [
                "User Prompt 1",
                "User Prompt 2",
                # ...
            "task_id": "101", # ID assigned to that row on google sheet
            # The script uploads all your files in the beginning of the chat.
            # So currently you won't be uploading different files per turn, all will be 
            # combined and uploaded at the very beginning of the chat session.
            "files": [
                    "path": "relative_file_path_1",
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                    "path": "relative_file_path_2",
                    "url": "https://url_of_file"
                # ...
            "prompts": [
                "User Prompt 1",
                "User Prompt 2",
                "User Prompt 3",
                # ...
  • rater_id: The unique number assigned to the rater.
  • tasks: A list of dictionaries, each representing a task.
    • task_id: The ID number given to that task on the excel sheet.
    • files: A list of file names relative to the script directory.
    • prompts: A list of prompt strings. The first prompt should be entered first, followed by the second, and so on.

There can be an infinite number of tasks.


Once you have populated the reproducible-jobs.json with your details:

  1. First, add a .env file to the project's directory and provide the API_KEY and MODEL environment values, these will be required in other to make requests to the model's API.
  • .env
  1. Make sure your reproducible-jobs.json file is in the same directory as the cbrfo5.py file.
  2. Run the cmd python cbrfo5.py to start the generating copies.
  3. All various outputs generated will be located in a directory called reproduced_outputs/ID_[task_id].


Fred Dunyo



  1. Gemini Chrome Port: 9222
  2. ChatGPT Chrome Port: 9333

FAQs & Tips

  1. The pyperclip library may not work out-of-the-box on some Linux systems due to missing dependencies. pyperclip relies on the presence of certain clipboard utilities such as xclip or xsel. If these utilities are not installed, you will encounter the "no copy mechanism" error.

    Here’s how you can resolve this issue by installing the required dependencies:

    1. Install xclip or xsel:

      • You can install xclip by running the following command in your terminal:
        sudo apt-get install xclip
      • Alternatively, you can install xsel:
        sudo apt-get install xsel
    2. Use pyperclip After Installing the Dependencies:

      • Once you have installed either xclip or xsel, you can use pyperclip as intended.


    • If you still encounter issues after installing xclip or xsel, ensure that the installed utilities are accessible in your system's PATH.
    • You can also try using the pyperclip library with different backends. By default, pyperclip automatically detects and uses the available clipboard mechanism.

    This should resolve the "no copy mechanism" error on Linux and allow you to use pyperclip for clipboard operations.

  2. Always make sure you pull latest updates which contains fixes or new features that have been added.