
All the "core" processes (e.g. Nginx, PHP7-FPM, MariaDB etc.) and "development" processes (e.g. composer, artisan etc.) each had their own container.

Primary LanguageShell


All the "core" processes (e.g. nginx, php-fpm, etc.) and "development" processes (e.g. composer, artisan etc.) each had their own container.

What are included?

  • php5 (cli & fpm)
  • php7 (cli & fpm)
  • nginx
  • mariadb
  • redis
  • mongodb


  1. Install docker

  2. Choose your php version in docker-compose.yml

    context: docker/php7

  3. Put your project php code in root folder.

    The document root path is pointed to /public by default (as some php frameworks like Laravel, Symphony, Yii...).

    You can change it in docker/nginx/app.conf


  • Start server

    docker-compose up

  • Stop server

    docker-compose down

  • Some useful command

    bin/run --help