Technical Assessment
- Dzung Le - Senior FullStack Engineer
- Docker installed
- install homebrew :
- /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Paste that in a macOS Terminal or Linux shell prompt
- install make :
- can install with homebrew : brew install make
- localhost:8080, localhost:3003 is not in used
- Open terminal in the same folder
- Run : make run to start Marvel service server using Docker at http://localhost:8080
- Run : make serve-swagger to open local swagger at http://localhost:3003/docs
- Test can be done via swagger UI
http://localhost:8080/characters :
- Get all Marvel character IDs
- Caching strategies :
- 2 strategies were considered
- Strategy 1 :
- look for cache
- if not found, get all IDs from Marvel, cache all IDs, return
- if found :
- get 1 ID from Marvel, results will contain Total IDs
- compare Marvel.Total and Cache.Total :
- if equal, return IDs from Cache
- if not equal, get all IDs from Marvel, cache all IDs, return
- look for cache
- Strategy 2 : (implemented in this assessment)
- look for cache
- if not found, get all IDs from Marvel, cache :
- Cache.IDs = Marvel.IDs
- Cache.since = time.Now
- return
- if found :
- get since = Cache.since
- query for all IDs that has been modified from since timestamp (Assumption : All newly added character is included)
- add all new IDs to cache, Cache.since = time.Now
- return
- if not found, get all IDs from Marvel, cache :
- look for cache
http://localhost:8080/characters/{characterId} :
- Get Marvel character details
OpenAPI specs generated using swagger