
A build script for building edk2 along with intel-gop

Primary LanguagePython


A build script for building edk2 along with intel-gop using https://github.com/Kethen/edk2

modified from https://projectacrn.github.io/latest/_static/downloads/build_acrn_ovmf.sh

secure boot building steps, ovmf-vars-generator and RedHatSecureBootPkKek1.pem obtained from https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/edk2

requires podman


git clone https://github.com/Kethen/edk2-build-intel-gop
cd edk2-build-intel-gop
bash build_ovmf.sh -v
build_ovmf.sh [-v ver] [-i] [-s] [-h]
  -b branch/tag: checkout branch/tag instead of leaving it as default
  -i:     Delete the existing docker image  and re-create it
  -s:     Delete the existing edk2 source code and re-download it
  -S:     Build vanilla secure boot ovmf instead of intel gop
  -h:     Show this help

building without secure boot:

mkdir gop
cp <intel gop driver efi> gop/IntelGopDriver.efi
cp <intel gop vbt> gop/Vbt.bin
bash build_ovmf.sh

building with secure boot:

mkdir gop
cp <intel gop driver efi> gop/IntelGopDriver.efi
cp <intel gop vbt> gop/Vbt.bin
bash build_ovmf.sh -S

built files

built files can be found in edk2/Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/, OVMF_CODE.fd and OVMF_VAR.fd for non-secure boot builds

for secure boot builds, OVMF_CODE.fd and OVMF_VAR.fd can be found in edk2/Build/Ovmf3264/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/, with an additional OVMF_VARS.enrolled.fd with pre-enrolled redhat keys

notes about secure boot builds along with intel-gop:

  • secure boot builds only support machine type q35
  • while it's rumored that one can get uefi video with igd+q35 on some devices, I've only had success with i440fx on my skylake and kabylake devices

extracting IntelGopDriver.efi and Vbt.bin from your bios:

Vbt.bin and IntelGopDriver.efi can be extracted from your bios using https://github.com/LongSoft/UEFITool

for example, a kabylake lenovo insydeh20 bios


if the GUID was not identified by UEFITools, try unicode text searching Intel(R) Gop Driver, or hex searching 4900 6e00 7400 6500 6c00 2800 5200 2900 2000 4700 4f00 5000 2000 4400 7200 6900 7600 6500 7200



if the GUID was not identified by UEFITools, try non unicode text searching $VBT, or hex searching 2456 4254 the file is usually began with non unicode $VBT <codename>, such as $VBT SKYLAKE
