Basic command for git.
git init : Initialize a Git repo here
git status : Check the current status of our project
git add : Add to the staging area
git add . : Add all untracked files to the staging area (Can be used after a merge conflict to resolve the conflict)
git commit -m "Message" : Store staged changes with a message
git commit -a -m "Message" : Add changes from all "tracked" files and commit (Doesn't add new untracked files)
git commit --amend -m "newMessage" : Add to the last commit all staged changes and create new commit message (Don't do after push)
git log : See all the changes we've committed so far
git remote add : Add a remote repo Ex: git remote add origin - remote name is "origin" and remote URL is ""
git remote rm : Remove remotes
git remote -v : Show remote repoes == git remote --verbose
git remote show origin :
git remote prune origin : Clean up deleted remote branches
**git push -u : Push local changes to remote repo Ex: git push -u origin master : -u tells Git to remember the params so next time, we can simply run "git push", "origin" is the name of the remote repo, "master" is the default local branch name git push origin localBranchName : Link local branch to the remote branch
git push origin : : Delete remote (local must be deleted manually)
git pull : Pull all changes from remote - git fetch : Fetch our local repo with the remote one - git merge origin/master : Merge the origin/master with master
git pull : Pull down any new changes Ex: git pull origin master
git help
git help : Get description on
git config : Set up git Ex: git config --global "abc"
git diff : Show unstaged differences since last commit
git diff --staged : View staged differences
git reset HEAD
git reset --soft HEAD^: Undo last commit and put changes into staging (Now you can make changes and re-commit) (Don't do after push)
git reset --hard HEAD^: Undo last commit and delete all changes (Don't do after push)
git reset --hard HEAD^^: Undo last 2 commits and all changes (Don't do after push)
git checkout -- : Delete all changes since
git checkout -b : Create and switch to
git clone : - Download the entire repo into - Add the "origin" remote, pointing it to the clone URL - Check out initial branch (likely master)
git branch : List all branches
**git branch -r ** : List all remote branches
**git branch -d ** : Delete , will prompt error if there are unstaged changes
**git branch -D ** : Delete and all changes
git branch : Create a branch
git merge : merge to the current branch