A MSc's Dissertation Project which focuses on Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW), using both exact method and heuristic approach (General Variable Neighbourhood Search)
- aanchalmehta
- albertgy9910San Diego
- alice-deng
- Beibei97
- cglacetKune
- erenatsiz
- hedayatis
- hynynh
- idahoyoudahoThailand
- JulioCesarAlvarengaUniversidade Federal de Ouro Preto
- Kboy927
- leaperfroggg
- Lin-Zhi-Jiang
- liuygnb123South China university of technology
- lucasmerker
- luchenlc
- lymvs
- lyszj
- marleybu
- mingboizSprinklr
- mugeyalcinkayaGetir
- Nicole-l-j
- nykabhishekTexas A&M University
- PeachKnowMan
- qianxiamoli
- radkissonsadstorm
- ruguoliuxing
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- siliangliu0609
- Subram0212University of Illinois at Chicago
- sushantburnawalIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- tamgamwing
- thangdepzai
- xiaoguozhiUniversity of Kent
- ysu1028
- zhouaimin