
Multiplayer online chess written in scala with akka and play2

Primary LanguageScala

It's a free online chess game focused on realtime and simplicity.

It haz a search engine, computer analysis, tournaments, forums, teams,
and a weird monitoring console. The UI is available in 72 languages thanks to the community.

Lichess is written in Scala 2.10, and relies on Play 2.2 for the routing, templating, and JSON. Pure chess logic is contained in scalachess submodule. The codebase is fully asynchronous, making heavy use of Scala Futures and Akka 2 actors. Lichess talks to Stockfish 4 using a FSM Actor to handle AI moves and analysis. It uses MongoDB 2.4 to store about 15 million games, which are indexed by elasticsearch 0.90. HTTP requests and websocket connections are proxied by nginx 1.4.

Join us on #lichess IRC channel for more info.


I am not happy to see lichess clones spreading on the Internet. This project source code is open for other developers to have an example of non-trivial scala/play2/mongodb application. You're welcome to reuse as much code as you want for your projects, and to get inspired by the solutions I propose to many common web development problems. But please don't just create a public lichess clone. Also, if you are building a website based on lichess, please mention it in the footer with Based on <a href="http://lichess.org">lichess</a>. Thank you!

Also note that if I provide the source code, I do not offer free support for your lichess instance. I will probably ignore any question about lichess installation and runtime issues.

This is full-stack application, not a library, and it may not be straightforward to get it fully running. I assume you run a Unix with nginx, mongodb, elasticsearch and stockfish installed.

git clone git://github.com/ornicar/lila
cd lila
git submodule update --init
bin/play compile


cp conf/application.conf.dist conf/application.conf

application.conf extends base.conf and can override any value. Note that application.conf is excluded from git index.

Websocket proxying and language subdomains

When accessed from the root domaing (e.g. lichess.org), the application will redirect to a language specific subdomaing (e.g. en.lichess.org). Additionally, lichess will open websockets on the socket. subdomain (e.g. socket.en.lichess.org).

Here is my local nginx configuration for l.org, assuming lila is installed in /home/thib/lila and runs on /etc/nginx/l.org.conf

And here is my local /etc/hosts file

Run it

Launch the play console:


From here you can now run the application (run).

Read the move stream

Lichess streams all played moves on http://en.lichess.org/stream using chunked HTTP response and the following format:

ChunkSize                # size of the next chunk, in hexadecimal
GameId UciMove IpAddress # actual chunk of data

UciMove format


where x indicates a capture, + a check and # a checkmate.

Try it with netcat

> echo "GET /stream HTTP/1.1\nHost: en.lichess.org\n" | netcat en.lichess.org 80

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 20:01:11 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding

4om0thb7 d1e1
o2eg9xu3 c8c2x
g3ag6xm6 g7f7+
hl0zbh3g c4c5#
g3ag6xm6 c2c3x+
tj2u3hus a7a6x#

By comparing game IDs, you can guess who plays against who.

Note that is the AI server.


Big thanks go to lichess community for the support, inspiration, bug reports, and amazing translation efforts.

Special thanks go to:

Thanks to all players for feeding the database.