
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A new web timer that makes Rubik's blindfolded training easier and more efficient.

The timer can connect to smart cubes and analyze a Rubiks blindfolded solve.
This is a Proof of concept for using this HTTP SERVER (the server actually analyzes the solves).

My main goal was to make it as easy as possible for timer developers to implement this feature.

You need just to send ONE fetch request to the server, see this example.
If you need help to implement it on your timers feel free to contact - Rotohands@gmail.com
If you have more ideas to improve/features feel free to suggest :)

Thanks for CSTIMER for the bluetooth implementation for smart cubes and Thanks to cubing.js project :)

Main features

  • reconstruct 3bld solves : commutator seperation, move count, timer per alg, letter pair, execution time, memo time, fluidness (execution time without pauses between algs), solve description
  • mobile support
  • fully coustomizable : buffers, letter scheme, cube orientations
  • support 3Style, M2, Old-pochmann, Orozco
  • best with Moyu-AI/Rubiks-connected/Go-cube --> Gan356i --> Giiker (didn't managed to implement it good enough)
  • Export stats : all solves are saved, mo3, ao5, ao12, mean all
  • Execution mistake recognition
  • only on Chrome (because of the support for bluetooth API)

Example solve - smart cube (UF, UFR, Speffz)



F2 L2 U B2 U' F2 U L' D' B R F' R U' F2 R' B' R B D' R2 U B //scramble

R' U' R' R' F' B U U B' F U R U' R U' D B' U B B' B D' U R' L F L' U D' B L' B' D U' L F' D' U F' F' D U' R R F L' B F' D' F' D B' F L' F L U U R' U D' F U F' D U' R U L F' L' B' F U F U' B F' U R' D R U' R D' R' U' R D R' U R' D' R F' U R' D' R U U R' D R U F U' R' U' R' D' R U R' D R R U R U R U R' D D U' U R U' R' D D U' R' R R D R' U U R D' R' U' R' F' R U R' U' R' F R R U' R' U'


14/9 35.97(0.44,35.53) 51.51%

F2 L2 U B2 U' F2 U L' D' B R F' R U' F2 R' B' R B D' R2 U B //scramble

R' U' R2 S R2 S' U R // JA 8/8 1.74
U' R E' R' U R R' R E R' // BH 10/18 1.08
L F L' E L F' L' E' // PL 8/26 0.88
L F' E R2 E' R2 F L' // NU 8/34 1.23
S L' F' L S' L' F L // VG 8/42 1.89
U2 R' E R U R' E' R U // FD 9/51 0.75
L F' L' S' L F L' S // EB 8/59 1.48

U R' D R U' R D' R' U' R D R' U R' D' R // VB 16/75 1.39
F' U R' D' R U2 R' D R U F // LN 11/86 1.92
U' R' U' R' D' R U R' D R2 U // DR 11/97 1.52
R U R U R' D2 U' U R U' R' D2 U' R' // TX 14/111 2.11

R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U' R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' // CB CI 20/131 2.31