Password Generator for HashiCorp Vault
The Vault Password Generator is a Vault secrets plugin for generating cryptographically secure passwords and passphrases.
This is both a real custom Vault secrets plugin, and an example of how to build, install, and maintain your own Vault secrets plugin.
The setup guide assumes some familiarity with Vault and Vault's plugin ecosystem. You must have a Vault server already running, unsealed, and authenticated.
Download and decompress the latest plugin binary from the Releases tab on GitHub. Alternatively you can compile the plugin from source, if you're into that kinda thing.
Move the compiled plugin into Vault's configured
:$ mv vault-secrets-gen /etc/vault/plugins/vault-secrets-gen
Enable mlock so the plugin can safely be enabled and disabled:
setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /etc/vault/plugins/vault-secrets-gen
Calculate the SHA256 of the plugin and register it in Vault's plugin catalog. If you are downloading the pre-compiled binary, it is highly recommended that you use the published checksums to verify integrity.
$ export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "/etc/vault/plugins/vault-secrets-gen" | cut -d' ' -f1) $ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/secrets-gen \ sha_256="${SHA256}" \ command="vault-secrets-gen"
Mount the secrets engine:
$ vault secrets enable \ -path="gen" \ -plugin-name="secrets-gen" \ plugin
Usage & API
Generate Password
Generates a random, high-entropy password with the specified number of characters, digits, symbols, and configurables.
Method | Path | Produces |
/gen/password |
200 (application/json) |
(int: 64)
- Specifies the total length of the password including all letters, digits, and symbols. -
(int: 10)
- Specifies the number of digits to include in the password. -
(int: 10)
- Specifies the number of symbols to include in the password. -
(bool: true)
- Specifies whether to allow uppercase and lowercase letters in the password. -
(bool: true)
- Specifies to allow duplicate characters in the password. If set to false, be conscious of password length as values cannot be re-used.
$ vault write gen/password length=36 symbols=0
Key Value
--- -----
value 27f3L5zKCZS8DD6D2PEK1xm0ECNaImg1PJqg
Generate Passphrase
Generates a random, high-entropy passphrase with the specified number of words and separator using the diceware algorithm.
Method | Path | Produces |
/gen/passphrase |
200 (application/json) |
(int: 6)
- Specifies the total number of words to generate. -
(string: "-")
- Specifies the string value to use as a separator between words.
$ vault write gen/passphrase words=4
Key Value
--- -----
value obstacle-sacrament-sizable-variably
This code is licensed under the MIT license.