
Pixel buffer library of the grapho-set of crates.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This is the pixel buffer library of the grapho-set of crates.

There is also:

  • grapho-color: describes the color primitives used by the grapho crates and does color conversion
  • grapho-2d: describes all kinds of 2D vector graphics and math (like polygon clipping)
  • grapho-rasterize-2d: 2D rasterizer for the vectors described in grapho-2d
  • grapho-filters: pixel based effects and filters for pixel buffers
  • grapho-cv: computer vision library for grapho stack
  • grapho-3d: 3D vector math

What does it do

grapho-bitplane describes the pixel buffer primitives that are used for creating and modifying images. It will contain color conversion functionality and can work on arbitrary interleaved or non-interleaved graphics data.

Conversion from all color-plane types into all others will be implemented. Currently the following bitplane types are implemented:

RGB interleaved RGBPixelBuffer

  • RGB, BGR 24 bit without alpha
  • RGBA, ARGB, BGRA, ABGR 32 bit with alpha

Grayscale GrayscalePixelBuffer

  • Y Simple, single Y plane for monochrome images.
  • Yxx 3 bytes, ignore the last two (interpret a YUV444 image as grayscale)
  • Yx and xY, 2 bytes, ignore the x (interpret a YUV422 image as grayscale)

YUV 4:2:2 interleaved YUV422iPixelBuffer

  • UYVY YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line). A macropixel contains 2 pixels in 1 u32.
  • YUY2/YUV422 YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u32 macropixel.
  • YVYU YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u32 macropixel.
  • VYUY YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u32 macropixel.

YUV 4:4:4 interleaved YUV444iPixelBuffer

  • YUV / YUV444 YUV 4:4:4, 3 bytes per pixel, full resolution U and V planes.
  • VUY like YUV but with different component ordering
  • UVY like YUV but with different component ordering
  • YVU like YUV but with different component ordering

YUV 4:2:2 planar YUV422pPixelBuffer

  • YV21 / I420 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled U and V planes.
  • YV12 8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit 2x2 subsampled V and U planes.


YUV 4:2:2 planar/interleaved YUV422piPixelBuffer

  • NV12 8-bit Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling
  • NV21 As NV12 with U and V reversed in the interleaved plane


  • YCoCg444i interleaved with stride
  • YCoCg444p 3 planes no subsampling
  • YCoCg422p 3 planes, Co and Cg half size subsampled
  • YCoCg422i interleaved, Co and Cg half size subsampled