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TextMate Language Grammars

  • name
    • This should be a unique name for the grammar, following the convention of being a dot-separated name where each new (left-most) part specializes the name.
    • Normally it would be a two-part name where the first is either text or source and the second is the name of the language or document type.
    • But if you are specializing an existing type, you probably want to derive the name from the type you are specializing.
  • scopeName
    • This should be a unique name for the grammar.
  • fileTypes
    • This is an array of file type extensions that the grammar should (by default) be used with.
  • firstLineMatch
    • A regular expression which is matched against the first line of the document (when it is first loaded).
  • patterns
    • An array with the actual rules used to parse the document.
  • repository
    • A dictionary (i.e. key/value pairs) of rules which can be included from other places in the grammar.
    • The key is the name of the rule and the value is the actual rule.
  • name
    • The name which gets assigned to the portion matched.
    • This is used for styling and scope-specific settings and actions, which means it should generally be derived from one of the standard names.
  • match
    • A regular expression which is used to identify the portion of text to which the name should be assigned.
    • Example: '\b(true|false)\b'.
  • begin, end
    • These keys allow matches which span several lines and must both be mutually exclusive with the match key.
    • Each is a regular expression pattern. begin is the pattern that starts the block and end is the pattern which ends the block.
    • Captures from the begin pattern can be referenced in the end pattern by using normal regular expression back-references.
  • contentName
    • This key is similar to the name key but only assigns the name to the text between what is matched by the begin/end patterns.
  • captures, beginCaptures, endCaptures
    • These keys allow you to assign attributes to the captures of the match, begin, or end patterns.
    • Using the captures key for a begin/end rule is short-hand for giving both beginCaptures and endCaptures with same values.
    • The value of these keys is a dictionary with the key being the capture number and the value being a dictionary of attributes to assign to the captured text.
    • Currently name is the only attribute supported.
  • include
    • This allows you to reference a different language, recursively reference the grammar itself or a rule declared in this file’s repository.


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