
Dive Deep Tomcat. Implement your own tomcat.

Primary LanguageJava

Dive Deep Tomcat

This repository is a part of Dive Deep Open Source Series.

Step by step to implement an HTTP server that functions like tomcat, starting with the simplest implementation.

Version 3.0

Version 2.0

Version 1.0

The simplest HttpServer implementation. Code at Here

Just implement a HttpServer with a SocketServer accept http request and response a html page. When you tape and finish the site address, then the browser will show a html page.

Main process steps:

  1. Create a SocketServer with a specific port (like 9999 or 8080).
  2. Continuously accept requests from client in a while loop.
    client = serverSocket.accept();
  3. Read the request message from client.getInputStream()
  4. Do some logic process use the request message.
  5. Get the client.getOutputStream() waiting to read response message for client.
  6. Write and flush the OutputStream, it means let the client can see the response page.
  7. close the OutputStream, InputStream and client.

Wish you will learn more from this repository.

Please contract me(anduo@qq.com) if you want to discuss more about these code.