
A set of classes and utilities to manipulate SECSII messages in a C# environment.

Primary LanguageC#


CSharpSECSTools is a project for those that are working primarily in th realm of shop floor automation in the semiconductor industry. If you do not work in that industry or you are not familiar with the SEMI Standards E4, E5, E30, E37, el al, this project is probably not for you.

This project provides some tools for problem identification and monitoring as well as API libraries that will help in writing software for equipment interfaces and / or equipment simulators.

Get the code

Use the git clone command to get the code.

git clone https://github.com/dkaip/CSharpSECSTools CSharpSECSTools

This will create a CSharpSECSTools directory in your current directory


Currently, this project may be built using MonoDevelop 7.3.3. It has been built and unit tests run using earlier versions as well.


I am currently trying to identify the "proper" documentation tool to use (i.e. the equivalent of javadoc) so the API documentation may be provided.

Usage Notes


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Apache 2.0