
Can you please give an example of how to use it. I tried it but failed to working RTL mode. But it works in LTR mode.

mostasim opened this issue · 4 comments

Required Information

  • RtlViewPager Version: 1.0.3
  • Android Version and Device (Marshmallow, Walton NH Lite):

Issue Description

Please include as many details (logs, steps to reproduce, screenshots) as you can to help us reproduce this issue faster.

it works according to the locale of the app
so either change the locale of device from settings or change the app locale

@m7mdyahia what if I need it for just one screen and other screens in english?

Use the android:layoutDirection xml property.

@DavidDTA thanks, but I figured the issue, before anything I was supposed to add "supportRTl" in the manifest