
discord hackweek emoji 2019

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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If you haven't already, you can watch the video commercial here

Since this does not win and hackweek is over, here are psd and afdesign files


Discord #hackweek emoji 2019.

With 65 emojis, and 5 of them animated!

Full list:


I divided this into 5 groups of emojis.

Table of contents

Extended emoji Discord face emoji Letters emoji Wumpus emoji Animated emoji Removed emoji NOTES
here here here here here here here

Extended emoji

You don't think you need these until you see these:


When you type in ":/", it becomes 😕

or ":P", it becomes 😛

or ":v", it becomes packman face;

or they does not have this face: "--.--" .

you don't like that? then the emojis above fit perfectly with what you type.

Discord face emoji

Memers, here you go





F is a must-have in gaming, so is gg!


Wumpus emoji

I love you 3000!

No u


Thor is fat!

Animated emoji

It can moves??

snap dab sweat yep yep

Available in /animation (gif file) and /video (.MOV file -- higher quality)

Removed emoji

There used to be 70+ emojis until I decided to deleted these (deleted 11 emojis):

frog removed pizelate


Removed emojis are removed. I put it there just to remember what I removed.

/video/ contains video files for the animations.

emojiPackNoBG.png is a transparent file, so do all the videos in /video.

/coverArt/coverArt.png is the cover Art of this project; it is not an emoji, but rather, the thing that appears when you send a link.

readme.md is available in every folder.

Thanks to @frichicken and @frichickens for feedback, emotional support.