
Clean Architecture

  • Adaptper (Infrastructure) - how the application talks to the external world. Such as SQL queries, HTTP or gRPC Client, file readers and writers, Pub/Sub message publishers.

  • Port - as an input to the application, the only way the external can talk to our application. Such as HTTP or gRPC Server, CLI, Pub/Sub message subcribers.

  • Application logic (Use-cases) - With this layer, you can not know which database it uses or what URL it calls. It's like an orchestrator.

  • In DDD (Domain-Driven Design), a domain layer that holds just the business logic.

How to generate code

  • Wiregen
// go:build wireinject
// +build wireinject
make wire
  • Gen query by sqlc
make sqlc_gen
  • Create new migration file
make new_migration name=<migration_name>