
A Polymer element markdown editor for commonmark.org

Primary LanguageHTML

Markdown Editor Element

A polymer (1.0) element - Markdown editor for commonmark inspired by the commonmark dingus app.

See Online demo (thanks marcus7777) screenshoot


bower install commonmark-editor


<commonmark-editor height="500px">
  Some initial markdown content (optional)


  • height default = "400px"
  • placeholder default = "Markdown content"
  • changedByUser turn to true if value changed by client keypress
  • working-dir: every image url which contain only image name will concatenate with the working-dir value if it is set. Example if working-dir = "/content" then
    • ![](tiger.png) will be replaced by ![](/content/tiger.png)
    • ![](dargon.jpg) will be replaced by ![](/content/dragon.jpg)
    • ![](otherFolder/tiger.png) won't changed
    • ![](../vendor/tiger.png) won't changed
    • ![](http://mosaic.com/vendor/tiger.png) won't changed


npm install
bower install

To run demo on localhost, you have to use polyserve

npm install -g polyserve

then navigate to

  • http://localhost:8082/components/commonmark-editor/demo
  • or http://localhost:8082/components/commonmark-editor/test


There is features/enhancements which I did NOT implement because they are not required for my production project. I might come back to implement them later... Here is the priority list

  • Enhance preview highlighting
    • There is some place on the source it should know where to highlight in the preview result, but it is not the case.
  • Sync scrolling between source and preview
  • Make scroll animation
  • Make working-dir work with every relative local path
    • For now, it work only with image path which contains only the image name
  • Reponsiveness - checkout this branch...
  • Theming capable