
learn arangodb

Primary LanguageC#

Learn ArangoDB

Perform various experiments on ArangoDB

Start an ArangoDB on localhost:8529 to play with

  • Goto database folder
  • docker compose up

Experiments in playground.net

  • The tests use Testscontainer to setup a ArangoDB on localhost (random port)
  • The database is reset to initial data after each test case.
  • The initial data has 3 wallets '1', '2', '3', with balance = 100 for each.
  • The goal is to transfer money from a wallet to other wallet (P2P) by creating a new "trans" edge and adjusting wallets balance; all in the same "database transaction".

I performed some experiments to see How ArangoDB would help to keep the database consistence.

Experiment 1) Happy path test:

Source code:

  • Open a database transaction
  • perform the P2P
  • Commit or Abort the database transaction should give expected result

Experiment 2) Race condition protection (without opening a transaction, nor locking anything)

Source code:

  • execute 3 tasks which concurently increase the wallet balance by 1
  • only 1 task would successfully modify the wallet balance, the other 2 must failed
  • the wallet balance is increase to 1 after the test

Experiment 3) Database Transaction locking experiment

Source code:

  • Open a transaction to update the balance of the wallet "1 and "2" (in the same transaction).
  • The wallet "1" and "2" are (write) locked until the transaction is committed. The test was unable to modify the name of these 2 wallets.
  • The wallet "3" is not locked. The test successfully modify the name of the wallet "3".

My first impression

  • ArangoDb is easy to learn compare to other databases (Mongo, Couchbase, Dgraph, RavenDb..). I feel like becoming productive real quick:
    • ArangoDb is like an easier Document database than MongoDB, Couchbase and at the same time: an easier Graph database than DGraph.
    • I enjoyed writing AQL (a lot) more than DQL or Cypher
  • (Not happy) .NET driver is (not yet) supporting Velostream
  • (Skeptical) Foxx: IMO, it is similarly to stored-proc.. just more advance / power.. it is a good thing we have a powerful tool, just use with extra-caution + justification.