
Ros plugin for three wheel omni-wheel robot

Primary LanguageC++


Cart control client Control plugin for omni-wheel SDF cart


omni-wheel SDF cart requirements, qt5, cMake 3.1.0


  • Make sure you setup all ROS environment variables ( describe here)
  • cd plugin
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ../
  • make

After that in directory ../plugin/build/devel/lib/

libmain.so -plugin lib ( cart integration instruction here)

CartControlPlugin/client - client executable


To run client you must

  • run roscore
  • run rosparam set use_sim_time true for synchronization
  • run rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo and put robot inside simulation

There are three widgets (from left to right)

  • Path setter
  • Path getter
  • Joystick

Move mouse like this on the joystick to move robot

Click on the path setter to setup path, click "Send path" button to send it to the plugin