
A simple todo list application

Primary LanguageJava


A complete todo list backend application. The application was made using JAVA (spring boot) and a postgres database.

Getting start

it is simple to start the project.

  1. Run the docker-file that is in "docker/" folder
  2. Run the project so it will create all the tables in the postgres database
  3. Add the basic role "ROLE_ADMIN" on the role table
  4. Use the application (fell free to use the postman file in "documentation/" folder to make it easier)

Sign-Up and Sign-in

The login features are made using the spring-boot-starter-security library To interact with the item requests, you may login beforehead, please, use the sign In and Sign Up before all ÍMPORTANT: The login data are stored in the cookies resources, be aware of that if you are making requests on terminal (postman and browsers automatically take care of that)

item process:

you can Create, update and delete the data (just the ones related to your account)