
Documentation for Spyder, the Scientific Python Development Environment

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Spyder Docs — Documentation for the Scientific Python Development Environment

Copyright © 2009–2021 The Spyder Doc Contributors

license Travis status OpenCollective Backers Join the chat at https://gitter.im/spyder-ide/public

Screenshot of documentation index page


This repository contains the documentation for Spyder, the Scientific Python Development Environment. The Spyder 3 docs can be viewed at docs.Spyder-IDE.org, and the in-development Spyder 4 docs can be previewed at docs.Spyder-IDE.org/develop/.

For more information about Spyder itself, please see our website and the main repo.

Building and Deploying

The docs are built with Sphinx and deployed with Doctr to the docs.Spyder-IDE.org domain. The master branch contains the in-development docs for Spyder 4, which should be ready for release soon, while the 3.x branch has the docs for the previous major version, Spyder 3.


We welcome your contributions of corrections, additions and enhancements to these docs, as they are very much a work in progress, and we appreciate getting our broad community involved wherever possible. To do so, simply submit a PR with your changes and we'll be happy to review it; make sure to read our Contributing Guide in mind to ensure the process of getting your revisions integrated goes smoothly.

Thanks for your interest in Spyder and its documentation, and we appreciate your support of the project!

More information

Main Website

Download Spyder (with Anaconda)

Online Documentation

Spyder Github

Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ

Development Wiki

Gitter Chatroom

Google Group

@Spyder_IDE on Twitter

@SpyderIDE on Facebook

Support Spyder on OpenCollective