web app for playing a set of word puzzles competitively
Include an option (default) to force the same first guess on all players in a challenge. The expectation is that this will better test the human word search skils and remove some luck from a favorite start word being closer to the solution.
For this game mode option enforcing hard or strict mode makes sense.
Allow 7 guesses if the forced start word is chosen and record failures as 9 guesses for the purposes of stats and rank.
Include 7 day and 30 day challenges to start.
- retrieve word list, OG and NYT
- Unique random version for this visit (not saved across refresh yet)
- add forced random start word per team(teams not defined yet)
- Render guess results properly
- Show solution on a puzzle fail
- Enable Share results to clipboard
- Enable Share through browser share native function
- save state in local browser cache
- add OAUTH2 and save state with OAUTH2
- assign teams and challenges per OAUTH2
- Ranking per challenge, team, and global
- Visualize personal stats
- Visualize stats vs. team members and global
- login a user, provide anonymous view, transition anonymous stats to OAUTH2 user when user chooses
- enable create/join/leave teams (teams is what makes it a League instead of just a Challenge)
- offer choice of word set. Defaulting now is simlar to NYT, TODO: offer OG Whardle and EOWL versions
- offer legacy personalized word sets
- bind puzzles to fixed time periods (assume local Day)
- Re-factor update challenge state as method in challenge Class
- Re-factor style sheet to be created programatically from redraw module