
Primary LanguageSmalltalk


Chest allows you to store objects from anywhere to keep them around, check equality...
Store an object with Chest add: anObject and access it with: Chest at: anIndex.
The rest of the commands can be seen in the help panel (click on the ? button).


Open your Chest

Chest is available in the debugging menu of Pharo. image

Install Chest

Metacello new
    baseline: 'Chest';
    repository: 'github://dupriezt/Chest';

Will load Spec and New Tools

More Details


Each Chest instance has an ID (Integer). These IDs are unique. No two Chest can ever have the same ID (unless of course one re-initialize the Chest class).

Default Chest

This is an instance of Chest that always exists, always has ID = 1, and can be interacted with in the same way as any other Chest by sending the messages to the Chest class.


	Chest class
			Create and return a new Chest
		#newNamed: aString
			Create and return a new Chest, with the provided name
		#withId: anInteger
			Return the Chest whose ID is @anInteger

	Chest instance
		#add: anObject
			Add anObject to this Chest
		#at: anInteger
			Gets the object stored in this Chest at index @anInteger
			Gets an OrderedCollection with the content of this Chest. This collection is a copy so editing it directly does not affect this Chest.
			Removes all objects from this Chest
			Gets the name of this Chest
			Gets the ID of this Chest
			Destroy this Chest (it will no longer appear in the Chest UI)
		#remove: anObject
			Remove @anObject from this Chest
		#removeAt: anInteger
			Remove the object ar index @anInteger from this Chest