Inquisitor is a debugging tool which you point at a test method or custom code. You can then ask questions like: right-click on a method, "What does it return?". Inquisitor will run the execution and answer you with the list. If you see a suspicious value, there's a button to directly open a debugger on the moment that value was captured.
Note: Works on Pharo 9 and later
Latest Stable Version
Metacello new
githubUser: 'dupriezt' project: 'Inquisitor' commitish: 'v1.1.0' path: '';
baseline: 'Inquisitor';
Bleeding Edge
Metacello new
baseline: 'Inquisitor';
repository: 'github://dupriezt/inquisitor';
- Open the Inquisitor workbench UI
- Create an Inquisitor
- Set the Inquisitor as "main Inquisitor". The main Inquisitor is the one that will answer questions.
- Ask a question. For example: right-click on a method and asks what values it returns
- Inspect the answer data
- Open any capture point in a debugger, at the moment it was captured
- Method Return: "Method, what values do you return?"
- Hit Check: "AST node, how many times are you encountered?"
- Variable History: "Variable, what values do you take?"
- Value Check: "AST node, what is the value of when you are encountered?"
- Class Instanciation: "Class, when are you instanciated?"