
Remove function/method call from compiled code

Primary LanguagePerl

    Sub::Disable - Remove function/method call from compiled code

        use Sub::Disable 'debug', 'foo', 'bar'; # without specification - both method + sub form calls

        use Sub::Disable method => ['debug'];
        use Sub::Disable sub    => ['debug'];
        use Sub::Disable {
            method => ['foo'],
            sub    => ['bar'],

        sub debug { warn "DEBUG INFO: @_" }

        __PACKAGE__->debug(some_heave_debug()); # no-op
        debug(even_more(), heavier_debug()); # no-op

    This module allows you to turn compile-time resolvable function or
    method call into no-op (together with all arguments' computations). This
    is useful for debugging and/or logging, when you don't want to make your
    production code slower.

    Note that 'compile-time resolvable method call' is a method call on a
    literal package name

        # or

    and does not consider inheritance.

    Sub::Disable distinguishes between sub and method calls and, by default,
    removes both of them. If you want to remove only one type, you should
    use specific import.

    There's zero runtime overhead. Compile time overhead is negligible - on
    a test run it took an additional 0.2 ms during compilation of a
    large-scale project with 1200+ modules loaded.

    Sub::Disable will remove only those sub/method calls that were compiled
    after you have use'd it.

    If you use Sub::Disable together with namespace::clean and you want to
    remove sub call, but not a method call, of a specific function, you
    should use Sub::Disable after using namespace::clean or exclude that
    method with '-except'.

    B::Hooks::OP::Check and various OP_check[] related core stuff.

    Copyright (C) 2015 by Sergey Aleynikov

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.