
The collection of motes of some SJTU Courses.


Currently we have 目前我们有如下内容:

  • BM181 the Introduction of Biomedicine (Honor) 生物医学导论(荣誉) by Researcher Yue Zhou周越 副研究员
  • CS157 the Methods of Programming (C++) (Honor) 程序设计**与方法(C++)(荣誉) by Teacher Gui'e Meng孟桂娥 讲师
  • CS158 Data Structure (Honor) 数据结构(荣誉) by Prof. Yong Yu俞勇 教授
  • EM219 Engineering Machenics (Honor) 工程力学(荣誉) by Prof. Xiaobing Song宋晓冰 副教授
  • MA239 Discrete Mathematics (Honor) 离散数学(荣誉) by Prof. Yu Long龙宇 副教授
  • MA263 Probability and Statistics (Honor) 概率统计(荣誉) by Prof. Dewen Xiong熊德文 副教授
  • PH070 University Physics (I) (Honor) 大学物理 (1) (荣誉) by Prof. Qitu Hu胡其图 教授
  • PH071 University Physics (II) (Honor) 大学物理 (2) (荣誉) by Prof. Qitu Hu胡其图 教授
  • TH007 Marxism Basic Principle 马克思主义基本原理概论 by Teacher Liping Liu刘立萍 讲师
  • [Updating] CS359 Computer Architecture (A) 计算机系统结构(A类) by Prof. Qianni Deng邓倩妮 副教授
  • [Updating] EI209 Computer Organization 计算机组成 by Teacher Jingwen Leng冷静文 讲师

Notes: the orders above is alphabet order of course number, the [Updating] tag means the course notes is currently updating.

注:以上按照课号字典序,带有 [Updating] 标签的课程的笔记正在整理和更新中。

特别鸣谢 Special Thanks(排名不分先后)

@KoalaYan 对于TH007笔记的贡献!

The supplements are welcomed.


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