API Documentation


This API provides functionalities for managing a system that allows teachers to create classes and students to join those classes. It uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication.

Table of Contents


  • Node.js
  • npm
  • SQLite3 database


Teacher Sign Up

  • URL: /api/teacher/signup
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new teacher in the system.
  • Request Body:
    • first_name (string): First name of the teacher.
    • last_name (string): Last name of the teacher.
    • email (string): Email address of the teacher.
    • password (string): Password of the teacher.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • teacher_id (integer): ID of the newly created teacher.
      • token (string): JWT token for authentication.
    • Status 400: Bad Request
      • error (string): Error message indicating the teacher with the same email already exists.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Teacher Login

  • URL: /api/teacher/login
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Logs in a teacher and returns a JWT token for authentication.
  • Request Body:
    • email (string): Email address of the teacher.
    • password (string): Password of the teacher.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • teacher_id (integer): ID of the logged-in teacher.
      • token (string): JWT token for authentication.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating invalid email or password.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Create a Class

  • URL: /api/classes
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Creates a new class.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Request Body:
    • title (string): Title of the class.
    • description (string): Description of the class.
    • image (string): Image URL for the class.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • class_id (integer): ID of the newly created class.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Update a Class

  • URL: /api/classes/:class_id
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates an existing class.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Request Parameters:
    • class_id (integer): ID of the class to update.
  • Request Body:
    • title (string): Updated title of the class.
    • description (string): Updated description of the class.
    • image (string): Updated image URL for the class.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • class_id (integer): ID of the updated class.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 403: Forbidden
      • error (string): Error message indicating not authorized to update this class.
    • Status 404: Not Found
      • error (string): Error message indicating class not found.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Delete a Class

  • URL: /api/classes/:class_id
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Deletes an existing class.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Request Parameters:
    • class_id (integer): ID of the class to delete.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • class_id (integer): ID of the deleted class.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 403: Forbidden
      • error (string): Error message indicating not authorized to delete this class.
    • Status 404: Not Found
      • error (string): Error message indicating class not found.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Approve a Student's Request to Join a Class

  • URL: /api/classes/:class_id/approve/:student_id
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Approves a student's request to join a class.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Request Parameters:
    • class_id (integer): ID of the class to approve the request for.
    • student_id (integer): ID of the student whose request to approve.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 403: Forbidden
      • error (string): Error message indicating not authorized to approve requests for this class.
    • Status 404: Not Found
      • error (string): Error message indicating class or request not found.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Student Sign Up

  • URL: /api/student/signup

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Registers a new student in the system.

  • Request Body:

    • first_name (string): First name of the student.
    • last_name (string): Last name of the student.
  • email (string): Email address of the student.

  • password (string): Password of the student.

  • Response:

    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • student_id (integer): ID of the newly created student.
      • token (string): JWT token for authentication.
    • Status 400: Bad Request
      • error (string): Error message indicating the student with the same email already exists.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Student Login

  • URL: /api/student/login
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Logs in a student and returns a JWT token for authentication.
  • Request Body:
    • email (string): Email address of the student.
    • password (string): Password of the student.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
      • student_id (integer): ID of the logged-in student.
      • token (string): JWT token for authentication.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating invalid email or password.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Teacher View Class Requests and Student Information

  • URL: /api/teacher/class-requests
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves class requests and student information for a teacher.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • An array of objects, each representing a class request with the following properties:
        • request_id (integer): ID of the class request.
        • student_id (integer): ID of the student.
        • first_name (string): First name of the student.
        • last_name (string): Last name of the student.
        • email (string): Email address of the student.
        • class_id (integer): ID of the requested class.
        • class_title (string): Title of the requested class.
        • class_description (string): Description of the requested class.
        • class_image (string): Image URL for the requested class.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 403: Forbidden
      • error (string): Error message indicating not authorized to view class requests.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Student Profile

  • URL: /api/student/profile
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the profile information of a student.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with student role.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • An object representing the student's profile with the following properties:
        • id (integer): ID of the student.
        • first_name (string): First name of the student.
        • last_name (string): Last name of the student.
        • email (string): Email address of the student.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Teacher Profile

  • URL: /api/teacher/profile
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the profile information of a teacher.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • An object representing the teacher's profile with the following properties:
        • id (integer): ID of the teacher.
        • first_name (string): First name of the teacher.
        • last_name (string): Last name of the teacher.
        • email (string): Email address of the teacher.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Student Request to Join a Class

  • URL: /api/classes/:class_id/request
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Sends a request from a student to join a class.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with student role.
  • Request Parameters:
    • class_id (integer): ID of the class to request to join.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • message (string): Success message.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 400: Bad Request
      • error (string): Error message indicating request already sent for this class.
    • Status 404: Not Found
      • error (string): Error message indicating class not found.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Teacher View Approved Students and Their Classes

  • URL: /api/teacher/approved-students
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves approved students and their classes for a teacher.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with teacher role.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • An array of objects, each representing an approved student and their class with the following properties:
        • student_id (integer): ID of the student.
        • first_name (string): First name of the student.
        • last_name (string): Last name of the student.
        • email (string): Email address of the student.
        • class_id (integer): ID of the class the student is attending.
        • class_title (string): Title of the class the student is attending.
        • class_description (string): Description of the class the student is attending.
        • class_image (string): Image URL for the class the student is attending.
    • Status 401: Unauthorized
      • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
    • Status 403: Forbidden
      • error (string): Error message indicating not authorized to view approved students.
    • Status 500: Internal Server Error
      • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.

Student View Classes They're Attending

  • URL: /api/student/classes
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all classes the student is attending.
  • Authentication: Requires JWT token with student role.
  • Response:
    • Status 200: Success
      • An array of objects, each representing a class the student is attending with the following properties:
        • id (integer): ID of the class.
        • title (string): Title of the class.
        • description (string): Description of the class.
        • image (string): Image URL for the class.
        • first_name (string): First name of the teacher of

the class. - last_name (string): Last name of the teacher of the class.

  • Status 401: Unauthorized
    • error (string): Error message indicating authentication required.
  • Status 500: Internal Server Error
    • error (string): Error message indicating an internal server error.