
My simple blog + static site generator called 'art' and written in Ruby. - https://duraki.github.io

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the static site generator, a deviltux theme, and my space for writing, which is visible here.

The script is built in Ruby, visible in bin/art, and have a few dependencies. The blog is developed as a project-shell-script, markdown input and theme which customizable.

Blog image

Table of content



If you want to install and use deviltux theme and Art script, the only thing you have to do is clone this repository and install builder dependencies. The only requirements is Ruby (+ gem).

$ git clone git@github.com:duraki/duraki.github.io.git
Cloning into 'duraki.github.io'...

$ ruby -v && gem -v
ruby 2.4.0p0 (2016-12-24 revision 57164) [x86_64-darwin16]
gem 2.6.12

$ gem install front_matter_parser
$ gem install colorize

$ npm -g install markdown-styles 

Of course, this will also build my blog, and my posts, so to start fresh, I'd rather advice you to clone only raw Art script and clone tuxtheme manually and continue with the reading of this file.

$ mkdir blog && cd blog/
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duraki/duraki.github.io/master/art

$ git clone git@github.com:duraki/tuxtheme.git

Notes Deployment

Deploy the duraki notes either via -:

$ ruby art notes local        # => deploy & serve locally
$ ruby art notes prod         # => deploy & serve for prod

The configuration for different environments is located in /config/ directory.

or deploy it with a one-liner which updates production:

$ ruby art notes prod && git add . && git commit -m "Release :party:" --no-verify && git push origin master

you can also deploy local environment using hugo server, from with-in this repository:

$ cd ./notes/ && hugo server --minify --bind --port 8800 --baseURL= && cd ..

# => Web Server is available at (bind address



This repository is equiped with a submodule tuxtheme which is available here and which one may use for their own blog. To create your own theme, clone or fork the tuxtheme and make changes locally. You will also need an layout/index.erb file which is your homepage/index file. This file is not bundled with your theme but is located in main repository. Use Ruby erb binding to create own layout. Check out index.erb file of this repository.

$ cd blog/
$ mkdir layout/ && touch layout/index.erb


Once you are ready to configure own blog, you can either copy .home.yml file from this repository or touch .home.yml and enter the details manually. Below is an example of configuration file which defines all necessary properties.

  artists: "Joe Doe" # your name
  title: "eatinjoe blog" # blog title
  description: "Soup is free. Eat in Joe." # blog description / meta
  in: /posts/i # Directory for *md files (written blog posts)
  out: /posts/o # Directory for *html files (the script output)
  # Here you can define scripts / gists you wrote
  # Format is: "[title]:[script.path]"
  - "My script for ultron:/scripts/google_ultron.c"
  ga: true # enable google analytics

Afterwards, just save the file to your repository and push it to the git. The ./art script takes parameter from this file and creates a standalone static blog. In case you want gA (Google Analytics), make sure to update the ga.js file located in tuxtheme/assets/js/ga.js or create the file in your own in exact directort: assets/js/ga.js.


So you are ready to write some new blog post and publish it? It's simple, create a new markdown datafile in /posts/i or whatever you defined for posts/in in your .home.yml configuration.

$ touch ./posts/i/1111-my-slug-here.md
$ echo "## Art" >> ./posts/i/1111-my-slug-here.md
  • Please, make sure to follow the format for creating new post.
  • The exact filename will be used for a URL (slug-name) except *md will be converted to *html.
  • The higher the first numbers, the higher the priority post get.
    • Post with slug 1111-slug-name.md will have priority over 850-slug-name.md.
    • Depending on your layout/index.erb file, the post 1111-slug-name.md will be shown first in the list.

The expected format for new post is: [priority]-[slug-_name-_here].md.


- `1000-awesome-blog-post-slug.md`
- `12000-this-is-another-post.md`

It's also good to note that files are front matter based, which means they offer various know-alike. This is useful for SEO and various extensions that can be made while creating layouts and themes. Example of post front matter inside the *md file.

title: Category/ Some post title
date: Dec 22 2017
tags: ["some", "tag", "here"]

Once these files are created, Art script will build the input / markdown post to output directory, with the given theme.


And the final magic, which is to output your generated blog from the given layout.
This is the easiest part, and if you did everything correctly, only thing is to generate the blog.
Just use ./art command and the script will build the project / blog which you can then upload remotely on for e.g. on GitHub or GitLab static pages.

Welcome to Art.
Art is a standalone Ruby static blog generator.
[+] Loading `.home.yml` from this directory ...
[+] File loaded.
[+] Creating build configuration ...
[+] Reading `layout/index.erb` file ...
[+] Index layout loaded.
[+] Creating accessors from YAML file ...
[+] Detecting who you are ...
[+] Detecting blog title ...
[+] Detecting blog description ...
[+] Detecting input directory ...
[+] Detecting output directory ...
[+] Building script list ...
[+] Detecting Google Analytics ...
[x] Accessors built.
[+] Exporting markdown to HTML ...
[+] Building metadata & posts ...
[+] Building scripts ...
[+] All systems ready ...
[+] Binding results ...
[x] All done.



A ~ notes is a dedicated page of my knowledgebase and oneliners for multiple purposes, as well as explaining my toolset and directory. You can observe or change those notes following Hugo notation. It is implemented due to speed and support of notes themeing option. The notes idea are taken from Andy's note-taking samples on his site.

First install Hugo and try building config.toml manually like so:

$ brew install hugo
# => vim ./notes/config.toml
$ hugo -D 

To build for local environment, use webserver + changes in Hugo configuration:

$ vim config.toml
# baseURL = '' # => Development
# baseURL = 'https://duraki.github.io/notes/public/' # => Production

See notes directory for examples.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Halis Duraki and contributors

See LICENSE for details.