
Personal notes, tricks and small write-ups.

Primary LanguageHTML

~ notes

The ~ notes is a dedicated repository for my digital garden. These notes are published via Hugo and it uses custom theme which presents these notes in stacked view; meaning each note is stacked side by side, similar to Obsidian, Bangle and Dendron. Read these ~notes or start contributing. You can check my theme haxor-notes, included in this repository.


Contributing πŸ˜‡

The build phase uses parameters (such is [params.styles]) defined in config.toml. It’s possible to deploy dark version as well, read more in bundled *.css. The User Interface theme used in ~notes is matching that of my blog. The site is largely inspired by Andy’s notes, while credits for original theme goes to Justin. My hard fork fixes many bugs and also adds number of enhancements to the Hugo theme. My haxor-notes theme is bundled in this repository.

Usage Prerequisites

First install Hugo and try printing version information. This repository has been tested on MacOS.

$ brew install hugo
$ hugo version # => hugo v0.98.0+extended darwin/amd64

Quick Usage

Development Oneliner:

$ hugo server
## Start building sites …
## Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address

Production Oneliner (push to GitHub master for deploy):

$ hugo
## Start building sites …

Start reading Hugo's documentation for Functions, Templates and Variables to get the feel of it.

Full Usage

Publish to GitHub

The following line compiles content of ~notes, commits a new release, and deploys it to master branch. If your GitHub is setup to serve as a Pages then you are good to.

$ hugo && git add . && git commit -m "Release πŸ₯³" && git push origin master

Development Environment πŸŽ‰

Engine Debugger

Sometimes, Hugo breaks. Don't we all? πŸ˜” During the design and implementation of the theme used, I've added a few shortcodes and quick references to quickly dump debug information from the templating pages. I use custom (fork) version of hugo-debugprint which is bundled in this repository, or call {{ partial "console_log" }} to dump the variables directly in the Web Console. Log Example are also part of the notes.

Using hugo-debugprint is easy, and you can do so via:

# => using partial
{{ partial "debugprint.html" site }}    # => works only for themes/*

# => using shortcodes
{{< debug param="myParam" var="1" >}}   # => works both for themes/* and the hugo site
{{< debug site >}}                      # => dump "site" variable

Using console_log to log in Web Console:

{{ partial "console_log" ( site ) }}            # => dump .site variable to the web console
{{ partial "console_log" (. | plainify) }}      # => in case of errors, 'plainify' your data

Local Server

Obviously, clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:duraki/notes.git && cd notes/
$ hugo server       # uses config.toml

Then use Hugo command-line interface to start debugging:


$ hugo server --bind --port 8800 --baseURL="" -d docs/ --config cfg/local.toml --verboseLog  # [ --minify ]

# => bring Hugo server and output log more verbosly
$ hugo server [..] --config cfg/[local|prod].toml --verboseLog

by 0xduraki