
This is where I'll be storing files for my comprehensive project at Allegheny College.

Primary LanguageASP.NET


Emotion Commotion

This is where I'll be storing files for my comprehensive project at Allegheny College. I'll at least begin storing the files now.


There are 8 playable characters planned, at this moment. Every character is based on an emotion, and is colored to match that emotion in some way. Each character also has a unique skill or passive ability.

Character List and Powers

Character Nickname Emotion Ability
Risio Ris Happiness Can run more quickly than other characters
Furia Fury Rage Has a longer attack reach than other characters
Tristitia Tristi Sadness Can slide on her tears to dash
Dormio Mio Exhaustion Loses less gemotes when attacked
Dilectio Dil Love Gains gemotes while near others, loses it while far from them
Verecundia Veri Anxiety Gains gemotes while far from others, loses it while near them
Invidia Vidi Jealousy Knocks more gemotes from other players
Mercuria Merc Luck Has a chance to dodge an attack

Enemies and Functions

Enemy Emotion? Function
Nullus Apathy Small wandering enemy scattered around the map.
Crudelis Emotionlessness Massive boss enemy with lots of health. Only one on the map.

Planned Research Idea

My goal is to research how people interact while playing different styles of games through local multiplayer. I'm specifically looking to study how people interact in competitive and cooperative play. To do this, I'm building a game that can be played either competitively, or cooperatively, and giving instructions that give differing ideas of what to do in the game.

Differing instructions


In the competitive group, I plan to suggest competitive play by saying that players will be playing "against" each other to get as high of a score as possible. I'll also further suggest competitive play by putting two gemote containing dummies that look like player characters into the spawns of competitive players.


In the cooperative group, I plan to suggest cooperative play by saying that players will be playing "with" each other to get as high of a score as possible. I'll also further suggest cooperative play by putting two gemote containing dummies that look like non-player characters into the spawns of cooperative players.


In the control group, I plan to suggest neither cooperative nor competitive play by simply saying that players will be playing a multiplayer game. I'll also further hold the control by removing the gemote containing dummies from the spawns of control players.

Data Recording and Analysis

To record the data, I plan to use a screen recording software of some sort (most likely OBS) as well as using a camera to record the interactions between players during their play session.

I will then analyze this footage to gain an idea of what players did to communicate, the ways people played and the characters they chose based on the instructions given prior, and the strategies they employed in the game.


My goal in this project is to both gain further understanding of human communication while playing local multiplayer games, and to build an engaging local multiplayer gaming experience. I've always valued local multiplayer above online multiplayer, and I think this would be an area in which I could spend countless hours on research, design, and personal time.

Further Reading

1 - Cheung, Victor, Y-L. Betty Chang, and Stacey D. Scott. "Communication channels and awareness cues in collocated collaborative time-critical gaming." Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. ACM, 2012.

Discusses communication while playing local multiplayer titles.

2 - Tse, Edward, et al. "Multimodal multiplayer tabletop gaming." Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 5.2 (2007): 12.

Discusses the concept of all players sharing a viewpoint, and making games more tabletop-like.

3 - Breuer, Johannes, Michael Scharkow, and Thorsten Quandt. "Sore losers? A reexamination of the frustration–aggression hypothesis for colocated video game play." Psychology of Popular Media Culture 4.2 (2015): 126.

Discusses the social impacts of local multiplayer games.

Auxiliary Links

1 - Junior Seminar Lab 3: Literature Review

2 - Junior Seminar Assignment 5: Comp Proposal

3 - Junior Seminar Assignment 6: Comp Proposal Outline

4 - Comp Group Assignment 1: Comp Proposal

5 - Senior Thesis