
Resize all slides in a keynote presentation.

Primary LanguageXSLTThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Resize all Slides in a Keynote Document

(without changing the text size)

Keyresize is a small Apple Script to resize all slides in a keynote document to a given new size without changing the size of its contents.

It was developed in response to a question on AskDifferent, where some user needed to resize some web design dummy he put together in Keynote.

Download keyresize -- no need to install, just unzip and run from whereever you want.

You might need to right-click keyresize.scpt in Finder and click "Open" there if OS X warns about unsigned software.


keyresize uses xsltproc, an XSLT interpreter included in libxslt. It is not included in Mac OS X by default, but there are two easy ways to install it:

  1. Install XCode from the App Store. It's free, but huge and kind of overkill for that small tool.

  2. Install libxslt from homebrew. It's also free, but you need to be familar with the command line.

    • Install homebrew if you haven't done yet
    • Open the terminal application and run brew install libxslt

    If you're using another package manager, you will probably also find that package in there.

Make a backup of your keynote document, or kittens might die [1]. Keyresize comes without any warranty, but should work fine and you're be safe by making a simple copy of your presentation. You're performing regular backups anyway, do you?

Now you're ready to run the script. It will open in Apple Script Editor. Press "Run" in the menu bar to execute it. You will be asked for the new proportions and which file to modify.

[1]: Not really. But it actually could harm that lolcat pictures you included. ;)

How it Works

Keynote presentations actually are zip files containing an XML document and other resources (like embedded images). The script applies an XSLT template (a language with widespread use for modifying XML documents) to the presentation which resizes all slides to a size the user passes in.