
Primary LanguageAssembly


CPNET-Z80 is a port/implementation of DRI CP/NET with drivers for the following environments:

NIC HBA Description
w5500 h8xspi Heathkit H8/H89 with WIZ850io and NVRAM
w5500 mt011 RC2014 with MT011 and Featherwing W5500
w5500 duo Duodyne with Disk-I/O, with WIZ850io and NVRAM
w5500c z180csio SC126 Z180 with W5500 breakout board
serial ft245r Serial over FT245R USB module, simple protocol
serial USB1232 Serial over USB1232H module, simple protocol
serial rc-siob Serial support via FTDI cable for SC131
ser-dri minz Serial over MinZ-U ASCI1 port, DRI protocol
ser-dri ft245r Serial over FT245R USB module, DRI protocol
ser-dri ins8250 DRI serial protocol over INS8250-like UART
ser-dri kaypro DRI serial protocol on Kaypro Z80-SIO UART
vcpnet null Virtual CP/NET pseudo device

An MP/M Server implementation is also available. Currently, only the W5500 NIC builds the MP/M components.

For the Heathkit H8/H89, the board is the H8xSPI with the WIZ850io W5500 module and includes an NVRAM chip as well, used for storing network configuration. See H8_CP_NET_SPI.

The file doc/dri-cpnet.pdf contains the original Digital Research CP/NET documentation, modified to add the CP/M 3 extensions.

The file doc/CPNET-WIZ850io.pdf contains specific instructions for the Heathkit H8/H89 CP/NET environment, but it also contains a lot of general information about how CP/NET is being used on a W5500-based TCP/IP network.

There are also server implementations in the 'contrib' directory, with documention in 'doc'.

To avoid conflicts of CP/NET node IDs on the internet, a registry scheme is proposed in CPNET-registry.md.

Prebuilt packages

Prebuilt packages for the Heathkit H8/H89 W5500 are available here.

Prebuilt packages for the Kaypro (Serial Data port) are available here.

Prebuilt packages for other architectures are TBD.

How to build your own.

How to develop a new platform.

Running CP/NET on RC2014.

CP/NET on SC131 and friends (serial port) *

The SC131 and for that matter all Z180 solutions that use the onboard ACSI sio ports will run into trouble with the missing modem control signals for port b. They are simply not supplied to the out side world, (sort of), the important one is hijacked by the SD driver (RomWBW) and the way the board is layed out.

Good news is it works at 57600, so to run cpnet on your SC131, do the following. Install and build as above. make NIC=serial HBA=rc-siob

Your next test is to configure the B port as follows. b:mode com1: 57600,n,8,1

Then set up the ~/cpnet-z80/contrib/CpnetSerialServer config file.

cpnet_tty=/dev/ttyUSB2 57600

Start the server with ./serialserver conf=config then start the CP/M network with the following.

b:pip a:=c:ccp.spr
network k:=c:[3]

See server documentation for further details.

From here you can copy/run/what ever the files on your pseudo drives. You can also copy/install from the pseudo drive. In addition any file you copy to the pseudo drive on your server system will be accessable instantly on your CP/M system.