Data Science and Machine Learning Projects with source code

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This repository contains articles, GitHub repos and Kaggle kernels which provides data science and machine learning projects with code.

Data Science

  1. Data Science Project on President Heights
  2. Data Science Project on Birth Rate Analysis
  3. Data Science Project on Time Series
  4. Data Science Project on Area and Population
  5. Sentiment Analysis Project in R
  6. Detecting Fake News with Python
  7. Detecting Parkinson’s Disease
  8. Breast Cancer Classification
  9. Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning in R
  10. Movie Recommendation System Project in R
  11. Detect Credit Card Fraud with Machine Learning in R
  12. Uber Data Analysis Project
  13. Handwritten Digit Recognition using Python
  14. Gender and Age Detection with OpenCV
  15. Speech Emotion Recognition
  16. Credit Card Fraud Detection Project
  17. Home Loan prediction
  18. Spam Classification (NLP)
  19. Drug Classification using state-of-the-art ML Algo
  20. Box Office Revenue Analysis and Visualization
  21. Heart Disease - Classifications (Machine Learning)
  22. 🦉Birdcall Recognition: EDA and Audio FE
  23. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Visualization & Prediction
  24. Santander EDA and Prediction


All contributions are welcome. Create a pull request to add more projects with code or kaggle kernels.

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