
Stitch together and crop map tiles for a specified bounding box

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Stitch together and crop map tiles for any bounding box.

The tiles should come from a web map service in PNG or JPEG format, and will be written out as PNG or a georeferenced TIFF.

Optionally, a separate worldfile with georeferencing data can be written.


The -x option creates a map definition file for the X-Trident Harrier and Tornado aicraft. It will have the same name as the output PNG file, with the png suffix changed to map.


A map around ESTA airport for X-Plane:

$ ./stitch -o map_ESTA_z11.png -x -- 56.0 12.4 56.5 13.5 11 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Map centred around LOWI, 1280x1280 pixels.

$ ./stitch -o map_LOWI_z11.png -x -c 47.2602 11.3438 1280 1280 11 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Around Montreal (note the --):

$ ./stitch -o CYUL10.png -c -- 45.4659097 -73.7429809 2400 2400 10 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

A bash script has been provided to make map making a bit easier. It loops over a number of zoom levels and creates a 1280x1280 map around a user specified centre.

To get standard OpenStreetMap tiles at zoom level 10 for the area of the Exploratorium's Bay Model video projection:

$ ./stitch -o baymodel.png -- 37.371794 -122.917099 38.226853 -121.564407 10 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

To do the same, but outputting a TIFF with a TFW world file:

$ ./stitch -f geotiff -w -o baymodel.tif -- 37.371794 -122.917099 38.226853 -121.564407 10 http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

To get the MapQuest Open Aerial imagery at zoom level 11 to match the "See Something or Say Something" bounding box of London:

$ ./stitch -o london.png -- 51.316252 -0.366258 51.606525 0.099606 11 http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg

To get a 640x480 image from Stamen's watercolor map at zoom level 10 around Tokyo:

$ ./stitch -o tokyo.png -c -- 35.6824 139.7531 640 480 10 http://b.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg

To get an image using 512x512 retina tiles of Stamen's Toner map at zoom level 14 around Köln:

$ ./stitch -o köln.png -t 512 -- 50.88 6.88 50.98 7.04 14 http://b.tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png


The arguments are minlat minlon maxlat maxlon zoom url. If you don't specify -o outfile the PNG will be written to the standard output. URLs should include {z}, {x}, and {y} tokens for tile zoom, x, and y.

The -- is to keep getopt, especially GNU getopt, from interpreting the minus signs in latitudes or longitudes as option flags.


GeoTIFF is currently only supported when an output filename is specified. A worldfile cannot be generated unless an output filename is specified.


  • pkg-config
  • libcurl to retrieve the tiles
  • libjpeg >= 8 for jpeg_mem_src
  • libpng
  • libtiff
  • libgeotiff


To install on Ubuntu do:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git build-essential pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libgeotiff-dev
git clone git@github.com:durian/tile-stitch.git
cd tile-stitch