
API Document

Player API

  • [1. Query Player Info]
  • [2. Query Multiple Player Info]
  • [3. Query Player Stats]
  • [4. Query Player Stats in Last Five Games]
  • [5. Query Multiple Player Stats in Last Five Games]
  • [6. Fetch Players By Game Date]

1. Query player info

Name Type Mandatory Description
player_id int true Player id
Type Description
number int Jersey Number
en_name str English Name
avatar_uri str Player avatar URL
wt int Weight
height int Height
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "number": 23,
    "en_name": "LeBron James",
    "avatar_uri": "player_avatar/2544.png",
    "current_team": {

2. Query Multiple Player Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
player_ids int true One or multiple player id
Response Type Description
number int Jersey Number
en_name str English name
avatar_uri str Player avatar URL
wt int Weight
height int Height
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "2544":{"number": 23,
            "en_name": "LeBron James",
            "avatar_uri": "player_avatar/2544.png",
            "current_team": {
    "203115":{"number": 5,
              "en_name": "Will Barton",
              "avatar_uri": "player_avatar/203115.png",
              "current_team": {

3. Query Player Stats

Name Type Mandatory Description
category str true [points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks] Choose a category
season_type str true [regular, playoff] Choose a season type
Response Type Description
id int id
val float Value
season int Season
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 1172,
    "val": "3.5",
    "season": 2016,
    "player": {
      "id": "200765",
      "en_name":"Rajon Rondo",

4. Query Player Stats in Last Five Games

Name Type Mandatory Description
player_id int true Player id
Response Type Description
reb int Rebounds
stl int Steals
ast int Assists
blk int Blocks
pts int Points
tov int Turnovers
fan_pts float Fantasy Points(pts+1.2reb+1.5ast+2.0stl+2.0blk-tov)
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {

5. Query Multiple Player Stats in Last Five Games

Name Type Mandatory Description
player_ids int true Player id
Response Type Description
reb int Rebounds
stl int Steals
ast int Assits
pts int Points
blk int Blocks
tov int Turnovers
fan_pts float Fantasy Points(pts+1.2reb+1.5ast+2.0stl+2.0blk-tov)
  • Response:
  "ok": true,

6. Fetch Players By Game Date

Name Type Mandatory Description
game_date str true Game Date
Response Type Description
number int Jersey Number
en_name str English name
avatar_uri str Player avatar URL
wt int Weight
height int Height
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
    "number": 23,
    "en_name": "LeBron James",
    "avatar_uri": "player_avatar/2544.png",
    "current_team": {
    "number": 5,
    "en_name": "Will Barton",
    "avatar_uri": "player_avatar/203115.png",
    "current_team": {

Team API

  • [1. Query Team Info]
  • [2. Query All Team Info]
  • [3. Query League Standing]
  • [4. Query Result in Last Five Games]

1. Query Team Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
team_id int true Team id
Response Type Description
en_name str English name
id int Team id
division str Team Division
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "en_name": "Cavaliers",
    "id": 1610612739,
    "division": "中部区"

2. Query All Team Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
en_name str English name
id int Team id
division str Team Division
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": [
    "en_name": "Hawks",
    "id": 1610612737,
    "division": "东南区"
    "en_name": "Nuggets",
    "id": 1610612743,
    "division": "西北区"
    "en_name": "Cavaliers",
    "id": 1610612739,
    "division": "中部区"

3. Query League Standing

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
order int Rank
team str Team Info
conf str Team Conference
div str Team Division
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {

4. Query Result in Last Five Games

Name Type Mandatory Description
team_id int true Team id
Response Type Description
date str Game Date
result str Result
home_team_boxscore obj Home Team Box Score
away_team_boxscore obj Away Team Box Score
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "date": "2018-03-20",
    "result": "117-124",
        "game": "0021701050",
    "away_team_boxscore": {
        "game": "0021701050",

Game API

  • [1. Query Game Status]
  • [2. Query Game Info]
  • [3. Query Game By Date]
  • [4. Query Multiple Game Info]
  • [5. Query Game Real Time Stats]
  • [6. Query Game Stats]

1. Query Game Status

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
game_state str Game Status
previous_game_dates str Previous Game Day
next_game_dates str Next Game Day
game_date str Current Game Day
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "next_game_dates": ["2018-03-22"],

2. Query Game Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
game_id int true Game id
Response Type Description
date str Game Date
result str Game Result
home_team_boxscore obj Home Team Box Score
away_team_boxscore obj Away Team Box Score
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {

3. Query Game By Date

Name Type Mandatory Description
date str true Game Date
Response Type Description
date str Game Date
result str Game Result
home_team_boxscore obj Home Team Box Score
away_team_boxscore obj Away Team Box Score
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": [

4. Query Multiple Game Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
game_ids int true Game id
Response Type Description
date str Game Date
result str Game Result
home_team_boxscore obj Home Team Box Score
away_team_boxscore obj Away Team Box Score
  • Response:
  "ok": true,

5. Query Game Real Time Stats

Name Type Mandatory Description
game_date str true Game Date
Response Type Description
fga dic{int:int} Player Field Goal Made Dict
fgm dic{int:int} Player Field Goal Attempted Dict
reb dic{int:int} Player Rebounds Dict
stl dic{int:int} Player Steals Dict
tov dic{int:int} Player Turnovers Dict
blk dic{int:int} Player Blocks Dict
pts dic{int:int} Player Points Dict
ast dic{int:int} Player Turnovers Dict
fpts dic{int:str} Player Fantasy Points Dict
  • Response:
  "ok": true,

6. Query Game Stats

Name Type Mandatory Description
game_date str true Game Date
Response Type Description
fga dic{int:int} Player Field Goal Made Dict
fgm dic{int:int} Player Field Goal Attempted Dict
reb dic{int:int} Player Rebounds Dict
stl dic{int:int} Player Steals Dict
tov dic{int:int} Player Turnovers Dict
blk dic{int:int} Player Blocks Dict
pts dic{int:int} Player Points Dict
ast dic{int:int} Player Turnovers Dict
fpts dic{int:str} Player Fantasy Points Dict
  • Response:
  "ok": true,

Playoff API

  • [1. Query Playoff Info]

1. Query Playoff Info

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
round int Round
tid1 int Team1 id
tid2 int Team2 id
conference str Conference
season str Season
series str Series Stats
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {

News API

  • [1. Query News]

1. Query News

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
date str Date
player int Player id
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "black_list": [
       "player": "202738",
    "red_list": [
       "player": "2544",

Injury API

  • [1. Query Injury Player By Team]
  • [2. Query All Injury Players]

1. Query Injury Player By Team

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
date str Date
en_ex_return str Expected Return Time
name str Player Name
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": [{
    "name":"Nikola Vucevic",
    "en_ex_return":"Expected to be out until at least Feb 3"
  { "date":'12/14/17',
    "name":"Mirza Teletovic",
    "en_ex_return":"Expected to be out until at least Feb 1"

2. Query All Injury Players

Name Type Mandatory Description
Response Type Description
date str Date
en_ex_return str Expected Return Time
name str Player Name
  • Response:
  "ok": true,
  "data": [{
    "name":"Nikola Vucevic",
    "en_ex_return":"Expected to be out until at least Feb 3"
  { "date":'12/14/17',
    "name":"Mirza Teletovic",
    "en_ex_return":"Expected to be out until at least Feb 1"