Test suite for nginx. Use prove to run tests as one usually do for perl tests. Individual tests may be run as well. Note: tests run nginx (and backend daemons if needed) listening on localhost and may use various ports in 8000 .. 8999 range. Usage: $ TEST_NGINX_BINARY=/path/to/nginx prove . By default tests expect nginx binary to be at ../nginx/objs/nginx. Environment variables: TEST_NGINX_BINARY Sets path to nginx binary to be tested, defaults to "../nginx/objs/nginx". TEST_NGINX_MODULES Sets path to modules directory, defaults to dirname of TEST_NGINX_BINARY. TEST_NGINX_VERBOSE Be a bit more verbose (in particular, print requests sent and responses got from nginx). Note that this requires prove -v (or HARNESS_VERBOSE). TEST_NGINX_LEAVE If set, temporary directory with configs and logs won't be deleted on test completion. Useful for debugging. TEST_NGINX_CATLOG Cat error log to stdout after test completion. Useful for debugging. TEST_NGINX_UNSAFE Run unsafe tests. TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS Sets additional directives in main context. TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_HTTP Sets additional directives in http context. Happy testing!
An official read-only mirror of http://hg.nginx.org/nginx-tests/ which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to nginx is via the nginx development mailing list, see http://nginx.org/en/docs/contributing_changes.html