
A price comparison tool for finding the cheapest products from multiple retail chains such as A101, Bizim Toptan, and more. Organizes products by price in ascending order for easy analysis

Primary LanguageC#


CheapestFirst is a product price comparison tool that helps users find the cheapest products across multiple retail chains such as A101, Bizim Toptan, Çağrı, Hakmar, Happy Center, and Mopaş. This tool gathers product information from these stores and sorts them in ascending order by price, helping users make more informed purchasing decisions.


  • Price comparison across multiple retail chains.
  • Products sorted in ascending order from the lowest price to the highest.
  • Easy-to-use interface for quick analysis of available products.

Technologies Used

  • C# for backend processing.
  • ASP.NET Core MVC for the web interface.
  • Web scraping to collect product data from retail websites.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/dursunkatar/CheapestFirst.git
  2. Run the application in your development environment.
  3. Input the product you are looking for, and the tool will display a list of prices from different retailers.
  4. The results will be ordered from the cheapest to the most expensive.

