The Ultimate Stalker helps you Download images from Instagram public repositories.
Given a handle, you can download the images that appear on the first 12 tiles of the page. The instagram layout is a 3x4 layout and once you scroll down it requests for more 12 images. This is a typical example of Lazy Loading.
The program uses PhantomJS, coupled with Selenium to create AJAX requests.
- Selenium Webdriver
- BeautifulSoup
git clone
Install the following dependencies - Install BeautifulSoup - Install Selenium
cd /path/to/UltimateStaker
python -h @<your handle name goes here> <Number of Instagram pages
Please feel free to raise any issue (no matter how trifle it is). Any suggestions on design caveats, writing beautiful codes, a more Pythonic implementation or anything that remotely qualifies as constructive criticism, please feel free to raise an issue for the same.
- (Neil Locketz)[] The program uses PhantomJS, coupled with Selenium to create AJAX requests to simulate infinite scrolling.