
This Repository contains Loan Prediction Model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This Repository contains Loan Prediction Model

This project is about loan prediction where we will predict whether the customer should be given loan or not.

Here I have used Machine Learning models to predicting the our target variable i.e. Loan Status column.

The dataset for this project is divided into train and test two separate csv files.

The training dataset for this project is named as train_AV3.csv.

The train dataset contains many null or nan values for many columns, so i have done the preprocessing steps in my project model notebook. I have also map our categorical columns also into integer as require by our machine learning algorithms.

The test dataset is named as test_AV3.csv.

Test dataset also have same features as train csv file.

Software Required :-

  1. Anaconda
  2. Python(3.6 or higher)
  3. Jupyter Notebook

Libraries Used :-

  1. Numpy
  2. Pandas
  3. Matplotlib

I have used 4 Machine Learning Algorithms for this model. The 4 algorithms used are:-

  1. Support Vector Machines(SVM)
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. K Nearest Neighbour(KNN)
  4. Decision Tree

The 2 best algorithms which do best on this type of problem is Support Vector Machines and K Nearest Neighbour

For Support Vector Machines the Classification Report is given below:-

For K Nearest Neighbour the Classification is:-