

The demo will consist of a high level review of existing demo applications available on IBM's Watson service site. As time permits, we will deep dive into the Personality Service. The advanced prerequisites are if you want to follow along, and likely require some familiarity with using a terminal in Windows or Mac. I tested this on a Mac, so it may vary slightly if you are using windows.

If you run into issues getting through either prereq, please reach out to me prior to class.

Feel free to peruse the available Watson services ahead of time.


  1. Navigate to Bluemix Watson services catalog
    • Sign up if you do not have a Bluemix account
  2. Login and verify you see a page similar to below Watson Services

Advanced prereqs

  1. Install curl if you don't have it already
  2. Clone or download https://github.com/dbennett63/watson-demo
  3. Follow this tutorial (replicated and extended below)
    1. Navigate to create personality service
    2. Name service default
    3. Click create
    4. Navigate to service credentials on Watson service dashboard (https://console.bluemix.net/dashboard/watson)
    5. Click the service
    6. Click "Service Credentials" on the left menu
    7. Click "View Credentials"
    8. Copy the username and password for future use
    9. Copy and save a .txt file somewhere on your computer with text to analyze
    10. Navigate in the command line to where you downloaded personalityCurl.sh in step 2 - if you're using bash (Linux/Mac) you may need to execute command chmod –x personalityCurl.sh
    11. Execute the following command to test: ./personalityCurl.sh "username-from-step-8" "password-from-step-8" "../data/sample-text.txt"
    12. Validate output file output-datetimestamp.json is generated in execution folder. This contains json of the personality analysis results.


Simple curl command in /script/ to hit Watson personality service API with a given username, password, and file. Outputs response json to execution directory in file "output-<datetimestamp>.json"

./personalityCurl.sh "<bluemix-watson-personality-service-username>" "<bluemix-watson-personality-service-password>" "path-to-text-file.txt"