
This is a web app for a digital coffee list hosted on an iPad.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a web app for a digital coffee list hosted on an IPad.


  • Install the pip requirements as denoted in pip-requirements.txt
  • Go into CoffeeList.py and change the database path. This Webapp was tested with sqlite and postgresql
  • Change the admin password in Line 501
  • Change the userList.csv in the static folder as shown in the template
  • Standard items will be created at start. You can change the price and names in the admin panel later.
  • At the first run: Go into CoffeeList.py and uncomment line 513 ('build_sample_db()')
  • Your App should run on localhost at port 5000
  • Remember to set the comment line 513 or the database will be rebuild at every start


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