1. Clone this repository into your local machine.
2. Change into this cloned directory using cd command.
3. Run the command "source venv/bin/activate".
4. Run the command "python app.py".
This will start a local web server that can be accessed within this local machine at the address
You can host a proxy server to provide public access to this server.
First of all you need to create an account as teacher or student to get started with this platform.
A teacher account is capable of starting a session(only one at a time). Once the session is started, a session ID is generated which the teacher needs to share with the students that he/she wants to connect. Currently there is a limit of 4 students and 1 teacher per session. The student needs to enter this session ID after logging in to the platform and has to click on join session. The session page will be loaded and on pressing Connect Now, the student will be added to the session. Within the session each student can video chat with the teacher with a separate peer2peer connection, i.e. the students cannot chat between themselves but the teacher can chat with the 4 connected students altogether.