Dropwizard project for car listings

1.Clone or download the project

2.In side the directory use mvn clean install to install project dependencies.

3.Run Mysql Server on local.

  1. Create new database name zoomcar_db, details about the user can be found at zoomcar-server.yml

  2. Create table using the following queries :

         create table car_details( 
         id integer not null auto_increment, 
         brand varchar(50), 
         model varchar(50), 
         licenseNum varchar(50),
         primary key(id)) engine=INNODB;
         create table car_block(
         id integer not null auto_increment,
         carId varchar(50),
         startTime DateTime,
         endTime DateTime,
         primary key(id)) engine = INNODB;
         create table car_listing(
         id integer not null auto_increment,
         carId varchar(50),
         startTime DateTime,
         endTime DateTime,
         primary key(id)) engine = INNODB;
  3. Create a log file for the server by using the following commands.

    sudo touch /var/log/server-logs.log

    sudo chmod 775 /var/log/server-logs.log

Run the jar file as java -jar target/car-listing-1.0_SNAPSHOT.jar server zoomcar-server.yml. The server runs at http://localhost:9090/.

  1. Following are the APIs and their purpose, also below added curl statements to populate those:

         `POST /v1/cars` - To create a carDetail entity
               curl --request POST \
           --url http://localhost:9090/v1/cars \
           --header 'content-type: application/json' \
           --data '{
               "brand" : "Mercedez",
               "model" : "A",
               "licenseNum" : "KA01QW1122"
         `POST /v1/listings` - To create a listing
               curl --request POST \
           --url http://localhost:9090/v1/listing \
           --header 'content-type: application/json' \
           --data '{
               "carId": "2",
               "startTime": "2017-08-26 03:00:00",
               "endTime": "2017-08-26 12:15:00"
         `POST /v1/block` - To create a block
         curl --request POST \
           --url http://localhost:9090/v1/block \
           --header 'content-type: application/json' \
           --data '{
               "carId" : "1",
               "startTime" : "2017-08-26 03:00:00",
               "endTime" : "2017-08-26 04:08:00"
         `GET /v1/search?time={epoch time in seconds}` - to a list of Car details currently active. if no Query param given then cucrrent time will be considered
               curl --request GET \
           --url http://localhost:9090/v1/search