Exploring Dithering
This is a repository I worked on to explore image dithering algorithms in processing. I implemented a number of common dithering algorithms, as well as some of my own. I think I've only just scratched the surface, but it's unlikely I'll add to it any time soon. Please feel free to use my code. It's not that efficient and it would need some modification to be used in real time. If you create anything I'd love to see what you come up with.
Top Row, Left to Right: Original, Floyd-Steinberg, Perlin Noise
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Burkes, Patterning, Independent Particles
Resources I used extensively throughout the project.
- DHALF.txt/Dither.txt by Lee Daniel Crocker, Paul Boulay, & Mike Morra
- Coding Train Video by Dan Shiffman
- Wikipedia Article
Resources I skimmed, read every now and then, or discovered while writing this readme.
- Libcaca Study: the science behind colour ASCII art
- Image Dithering: Eleven Algorithms and Source Code by Tanner Helland
- GitHub Dithering Topic
Resources I used to draw inspiration from.